
来源:思拓国际   日期:2015-06-26 13:48:34




一、Vocabulary 必用词汇

1.bill n.账单,纸币Just a moment,please.The cashier will have your bill ready in a moment.请稍等,出纳员马上会准备好您的账单。同义词:check

2.change n.零钱;变化秒.改变,更换Here's your change and receipt.这是您的零钱和收据。

3.amount n.总数,数量Would You like to check and see if the amount is correct?您要不要核对一下账单?同义词:sum

4.exception n.除外,例外Cant you make an exception for me?你们不能为我破例一次吗?

5.charge n.费用 v.控告,装满,充电The service charge is included in the bill.服务费包含在账单里了。同义词:cost

6.breakdown n.故障;分类Would you like a breakdown of the bill?您的账目要细分吗?

7.Settle v.安排,解决Would you like to settle the differ-ence in cash?您要用现金支付差额吗?同义词:resolve

8.vacate v.腾空,搬出Would you like to vacate the room now?您打算现在退房吗?

9.accept v.接受Do you accept traveler's checks?你们收旅行支票吗?反义词:reject

10.error n.错误I found there's an error in my bi




二、Phrases 常用短语

1.floor attendant 楼面服务员

2.floor-manager on duty 每层楼的值班员

3.front office 前台

4.housekeeping department 房务部

5.house magazine 旅馆内部杂志或刊物

6.house phone 旅馆的内线电话

7.house wine 餐馆的散装酒

8.information desk 问讯处

9.key rack 钥匙架

10.master key 万能钥匙

11.laundry service 洗衣服务

12.long distance call 长途电话

13.look into 查办

14.look through 查找

15.Lost and Found Desk 失物招领处

16.low season 淡季

17.make up 整理

18.miscellaneous service 多项服务

19.0utside call 外线电话

20.pay for 赔偿



三、Conversations 实用对话情境对话1Bringing Down the Baggage 把行李运下去Bonnie:Hello Is this the Bey Captain's Desk?邦妮:喂,是服务台吗?Cary:Yes May I help you?凯里:是的。我能为您效劳吗?Bonnie:Yes.l'II be checking.out soon. Could. you arrange to have my bags brought down?邦妮:是的。我马上要结账。您是否可以安排把我的行李运下来呢?Cary:Certainty, miss. Mayl have your room number, please?凯里:好的,女士。请告诉我您的房间号码好吗?Bonnie:Room 310.邦妮:310房间。Cary:What time will you be checking out?凯里:您什么时候结账?Bonnie:About tBn minutes later .邦妮:大约再过10分钟。Cary:l see. Could you make sure that your bags are packed before you leave?凯里:我知道了。请您在离开前确定行李打包好了没有,好吗?Bonnie:Sure.邦妮:好的。Cary:You may collect your bags from the Bell Captain's Desk in the lobby.凯里:您可以在大厅的服务台领取行李。Bonnie:l see. Thank you.邦妮:我知道了。谢谢。Cary:You are welcome.凯里:不用客气。情境对话2Paying in Cash 用现金付账Clerk:Good moming, sir.May I help you?服务员:早上好,需要我效劳吗?Han Dong:Yes,l'd like to settle my bill.韩冬:是的,我想结账。Clerk:Certainly, sir.What name is it?服务员:好的。您叫什么名字?Han Dong:Han Dong, from Room 1314.韩冬:韩冬,住1314房间。Clerk:May I have your room kay, please?服务员:请把房间钥匙给我好吗?Han Dong:Sure. Here you are.韩冬:好的。在这儿。Clerk:Just a moment, please. I'II draw up your bill for you. Thank you for waiting.Your bill total is $ 320.服务员:请等一下,我帮您结算账单。让您久等了。您的账单总计320美元。Han Dong: Would that be all right if I pay it in cash?韩冬:用现金,可以吗?Clerk:Certainly, sir.服务员:当然可以,先生。Han Dong:Here you are.韩冬:给您。Clerk:Please sign your name here.服务员:请在这里签上您的名字。Han Dong:Oh, yes.韩冬:噢,好的。



四、Expressions 套用单句退房时间1.I will leave early tomorrow moming.Can I settle my bill now?我明天一大早就要离开,可以现在退房吗?2.My plane leaves in the afternoon.Can I check out later?我是搭下午的飞机,可以晚一点再退房吗?寄放行李1.May lleave my baggage here?请问可以把行李寄放在这里吗?2.Could you keep my baggage until this afternoon?请问可以帮我把行李保管到下午吗?3.You can take your luggage to the cloakroom。阅读 

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